
In the absence of comprehensive federal leadership on climate, America’s Pledge is committed to collecting, aggregating, and reporting on the progress that U.S. non-federal actors are making in reducing emissions to meet our Paris Agreement goals. Our dedicated team of researchers compiles emissions data from cities, states, and businesses and produces regular progress reports to ensure that the world knows we are still working towards our global climate targets.

An “All-In” Pathway To 2030: Transportation Sector Emissions Reduction Potential

April 2022

The transportation sector can deliver one-fifth of the emissions reductions needed to successfully reach the Biden Administration’s climate target of 50-52 percent reductions by 2030 from 2005 levels. A rapid and low-carbon transformation of the transportation sector in the United States holds the key to delivering on multiple goals: enhancing economic mobility, improving health, expanding environmental justice and equity, reducing global oil dependence in a time of deep concerns about energy security, and delivering on ambitious and necessary climate goals. Through the remainder of the decade, to achieve the NDC, emissions from the transportation sector will need to decrease by 34% by 2030.

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Blueprint 2030: An All-In Climate Strategy for Faster, More Durable Emissions Reductions

September 2021

An all-in climate strategy can deliver 52% reductions in greenhouse gas emissions from 2005 levels by 2030. Non-federal actors have driven and sustained US climate progress over the last decade; bottom-up leadership has built foundational policy as well as political cover and demand for Congress and the Executive Branch to scale action, together driving U.S. emissions reduction progress.

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An All-In Climate Strategy Can Cut U.S. Emissions by 50% by 2030

April 2021

2021 can be a year of global action to address the climate crisis, and the U.S. has the opportunity to step up its climate action and deliver a strong commitment to the world. This new analysis from the America Is All In analytical team demonstrates how a comprehensive, all-of-society strategy for the U.S., integrating federal and non-federal action, can deliver greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions reductions of 50% below 2005 levels by 2030—securing the country’s path towards a clean and healthy future for all.


Opportunities for Stimulus and Recovery to Support the Non-Federal Clean Energy Transition

December 2020

Federal economic recovery and stimulus packages provide a critical opportunity to maintain and expand the climate action momentum led by states, cities, businesses, and other non-federal actors and set the stage for enhanced national action. This two-pager summarizes key stimulus opportunities across five major sectors that could accelerate progress toward needed 2030 emissions reductions and help address risks to that progress, collected from Delivering on America’s Pledge: Achieving Climate Progress in 2020.


Delivering on America’s Pledge: Achieving Climate Progress in 2020

September 2020

This report focuses on the 2030 impact of the global COVID-19 pandemic and subsequent economic recession. The report analyzes the long-term impacts of 2020 changes on the ability of states, cities, businesses, and others to drive the ambitious emissions reductions modeled in the December 2019 report Accelerating America’s Pledge. Even in the face of enormous challenges posed by the pandemic and slashed budgets; states, cities, businesses, universities, and others have steadily demonstrated commitments to strong climate and clean energy action and policy. The report also identifies how economic recovery and stimulus packages provide a critical opportunity to maintain momentum and further spur needed climate action.

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We Are Still In to Deliver on America’s Pledge: A Retrospective

September 2020

This retrospective provides a look back at the past three years of state, city, and business climate leadership, since the founding of We Are Still In and America’s Pledge. The retrospective documents emissions reduction efforts from a diverse coalition of non-federal leaders, showcasing the historic progress that has kept the U.S. on a path of climate progress.

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Accelerating America’s Pledge: Going All-In to Build a Prosperous, Low-Carbon Economy for the United States

December 2019

Our third report, Accelerating America’s Pledge, analyzes the collective reductions of greenhouse gas emissions by U.S. states, cities, businesses, and other bottom-up actors to project the level of progress the U.S. can reach by 2030. To illustrate the opportunities for American climate action, this report also assesses the potential emissions reductions if this bottom-up action was combined with rapidly deployed federal action after 2020.

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The Reality of U.S. Climate Action: Non-Federal Leadership is Delivering Ambition and Action

September 2019

A wave of U.S. climate leadership is answering the global call to action to combat the climate crisis. Cities, states, and communities across the U.S. are executing bold, ambitious plans to reduce national emissions, even in the absence of federal leadership. This rapidly expanding coalition is showing the world that the transition toward a transformed, clean economy generates opportunities and extensive benefits for economies, communities, and ecosystems.


Fulfilling America’s Pledge: How States, Cities, and Businesses Are Leading the United States to a Low-Carbon Future

September 2018

This report, Fulfilling America’s Pledge, builds on our 2017 report and provides the most comprehensive assessment to date of how U.S. states, cities, businesses, and others (often referenced within this report as “real economy actors”) are embracing new economic opportunities and technologies to implement climate targets and deliver emissions reductions within their own jurisdictions and operations under their own authority.

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America’s Low Carbon Future: A “Bottom-Up” Opportunity Agenda for Climate Action in the United States

July 2018

The ten-part Opportunity Agenda covers a wide range of existing policies, programs, and initiatives led by U.S. businesses, cities, colleges & universities, and states regardless of the rhetoric or even the policy decisions emanating from the federal government. In the weeks, months, and years ahead, U.S. nonfederal leaders can do much more to build upon the successes already captured in these ten areas.


Review of Estimates for GHG Emissions Mitigation Opportunities in the United States

June 2018

Nonfederal leaders across the United States are stepping up to address climate change while promoting economic growth, creating jobs, and improving public health. Already, over 2,700 states, cities, and businesses, representing 159 million Americans, have committed to cutting greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions consistent with the goals of the Paris Agreement. These nonfederal actors have enacted a wide diversity of measures to achieve real reductions in emissions while driving economic growth, including cap-and-trade policies, renewable portfolio standards, low-emission vehicle targets, and standards for oil and gas methane that are delivering results.

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America’s Pledge Phase 1 Report: States, Cities, and Businesses in the United States Are Stepping Up on Climate Action

November 2017

The America’s Pledge report is the first communication to the international community specifically addressing the scope and scale of non-federal climate action in the United States following the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. It captures and quantifies the outpouring of public support for the agreement since the withdrawal announcement, finding that cities, states and businesses representing more than half the U.S. economy and population have declared their support for the Paris Agreement, including more than 2,700 signatories to the “We Are Still In” declaration.
